Thursday, July 21, 2016

Animal Jam Update Time - Volume 177

Sloths are here! Finally!
Be sure to pick up this SLOW TREE CLIMBER for the LOW PRICE of 5 DIAMONDS!
*laughs so hard* 
There is a new diamond shop PRINCESS SET!
No way! I can finally wear my dream dress!
I'm an early bird. Let me make a joke.
Aww, I got nothing.
*plays clip of The Case of The Missing Day*
"Could you imagine the Jamaalidays in July? That's CRAZY!"
Wow! Could you imagine that?
 The option of some annoying but helpful player profiles can be 
turned on and off in the settings tab!
Grahams Workshop is going soon.
Pet reindeer are here? I guess.
Maybe it's just an ad. Who knows?
Kangaroos are leaving soon.
Here are some facts.
I know where you live. I am in your house. I am traveling. Bye bye.

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