Thursday, July 28, 2016


So, I was strollin' through the friendship HQ, while I was clicking on each tile and my animal appeared there.
And I was like: "Hey! That looks like a CHESS BOARD!"
**WARNING**: If you are a nonmember, you can only play as a pawn, queen, or a castle thingy.
This is the animal list:
Pawn: Bunny
Bishop: Giraffe
Queen: Wolf
King: Arctic Wolf
Knight: Horse
The Castle Thingies: Pig

If you are a king or queen, wear a tiara or a kings crown.
If you are white or black, dress up white or black.
Set up by putting a diner tile in a crystal castle.
Move to the room at the top right, like where my bedroom is.
Gather all your players and set it up like a real chess board.
White goes first, so white goes first!
Remember: If someone doesn't know how to play, set up a practice room.
All the pieces move in a different way.
For example, the king can move in any space only if it is one space away.
Knights move in an "L" shape.
Queens can move wherever because they are amazing.
Pawns can move 2 spaces at the beginning, then they can only move 1 space, while at the end they can revive one of their discarded players.
Be sure to have 2 cages or rooms where the discarded players can be.
Have fun playing AJ Chess!

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