Jamaa Police Department

~Discontinued for various reasons, basically because I quit AJ and I don't want to embarrass scammers by posting them on social media! It's very very wrong! So the Official JPD Information Book is now restricted to admin access (basically just me). If you're wondering what that is, it is a page where I had details of scammers, like when it happened and what they stole, including their username. It also has hackers and people who got hacked/scammed on it.~

The JPD is a little organization where my buddies and I hunt hackers and scammers! When you get scammed - 1. It's against the rules to scam! 2. It makes you feel bad. 3. THEY STOLE SOMETHING! - and that's why I came up with this.


Here are some links that give you more information about the JAMAA POLICE DEPARTMENT!

Official Jamaa Police Department Information Book (no longer available)
How to Keep Your Items Safe

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