Monday, July 25, 2016

Jamaa Bloggers

The Jamaa Bloggers will be a team of bloggers to clean up AJ and get it good like the beta days.
Just join the Jamaa Bloggers by commenting below your blog and username!
Then, I will host events in my den so stay tuned for posts that say that!
What do the  Jamaa Bloggers do? Let me show you!

  • They stop hackers. If someone is asking for passwords in exchange of other things, we stop them!
  • They stop scammers. We go to all giveaways possible to see if they want to trust trade!
  • They fight bullies. Go away bullies! You are just some sick 40 year old hurting 11 year olds.
  • They keep everything safe for children. We don't let 6 year olds see bad words!

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2. Don't say anything mean or hurtful towards the blog, someone else's blog, or someone else.
3. Don't say anything inappropriate.
4. Advertising is fine only if you say something about my blog first, but ONLY do it if it's targeted to MY blog.
5. Links are fine, but I will delete comments with sketchy links or links to random things.