Thursday, July 7, 2016

Animal Jam Update Time - Volume 176

Pet goats are now for sale in the diamond shop!
Be sure to pick these up today (or whenever you are not lazy)
for the LOW PRICE of 3 diamonds! I see these steel stomach
critters have lots of CUTE ACCESSORIES available!
Come to the MONKEYS ONLY PARTY because
monkeys are very creepy in animal jam. I mean, 
look at it. *zooms in to that monkeys face*
Be sure to pick up all the FREEDOM DEN ITEMS and CLOTHING
before it turns August. Just saying, but I really like the 
den items because they are so FLASHY!
Arctic Foxes are now in stores for only 5 diamonds!
Pick them up TODAY! (bepper will be sad, she wasted 5 diamonds)
Sloths are here! That girl who said it was panthers is
i know where u live.. so im staying there. yeah i am traveling so dont miss me  

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