Tuesday, July 26, 2016

4,000 Views Party Information

DATE: August 7, 2016
WHERE: Princessbg's Den
TO: Balaur, Rattlespud2004, Rawr07, Cottontoes, Nafaria9, PandaFrogZz, Cyacheer, Elizaboo1104, and more!


So, it's this Sunday. Obviously, it's in my den. I already have a plushie stand, and stuff like that.Ya better come if you really like food and lights. There will be food and gaming, there will be chatting, and lots of fun. Take some rares with you if you want to sit at the VIP table with all the famous bloggers. If you don't care about that, just bring a storebought item to pay for the tickets. All the "buy stuff for the tickets" thing is for the employees who cook the food and run the plushie stand.

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