Sunday, September 25, 2016

The ABC's of my AJ Life

This idea was inspired by Cheer from a cute lil' tag. I don't know the original creator :(
But... I did decide to make new letter stuff (what are they called? XD) so it
will be a bit different. Anyways, let's DO THIS!

A: Age?
B: Best friend?
Rattles and Rawr07
C: Curiosity?
How AJ was made
D: Drink?
Milk, yummy
E: Easy?
F: Food?
G: Generosity?
Giving a rare to my sister
H: Hilarious?
That "I can't brain, I has the dumb" cat meme
I: Insect?
Hmm.. butterfly
J: Joke?
What is green, red, and goes 50 miles per hour?
A frog in a blender
K: Kindness?
So kind CAN'T MOVE

L: Love?
M: Maybe..?
Call me
N: Never?
Home Alone
O: Offer?
Something that ISN'T rare
(I hate rares)
P: Promise?
Sure ;-)
Q: Quack!!
R: Remain?
*grabs knife*
No.. :-)
S: Sophisticated?
"Play wild!"
No *carries shopping bag*
T: Teaching?
*runs away*
U: Look! Over there!
Under where?
V: Venom?
W: Wear?
X: Xylophone?
Just one
Z: Zzz?
Last night

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