Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Update + My Halloween Costume + Random Silliness + WEIRD NEW ITEMS LIKE THE SHOPKINS HAT

Hello my birdies! Yes, now you are birdies.
I am a tree for Halloween! *derpy trumpet music*

Haha! Anyone? No? Why.. Anyways, I'm a tree.
Yes, I am a tree. I have leaves and a birds nest on my head.
So, I am technically classified as a tree.

There is new stupid items we've got in the stupid store!
Dun dun da duuuun... a box! Voila!

Those eyes though. Children, play this game as your
head gets melted off by this box's extremely dangerous eyes.
And we have another item! As I like to call it, the SHOPKINS hat.

This is what the SHOPKINS hat looks like. You see,
I am talking in CAPITALS so AJ likes me BETTER.
You can CLEARLY see that SHOPKIN in that hat, RIGHT?

Here are some new den items, which are super cute for Halloween!
*just realizes* I haven't been posting on my mini inside-AJ-blog alot,
have I? It's on my jammer wall, and hardly anyone uses it anymore, so
I think I just forgot. I made it to prove jammers without a blog can own
one right on their jammer wall! And Amber came to my den.

Amber is my friend, and she reads the AJ Whip! Naffy is currently on,
so I got her to come over and meet her :)

Well, the minigames have a new look (when you click someone's profile
AND when you go into the games section at the top of your screen) so
I guess AJ hid some cute little extras with a few features in the new update!
Now that's a big fat plus! (no it isn't)

Whoa. I just realized that whole paragraph was just one sentence XD
And now we got a cool new NAME UPDATE!

Naffy has a fox named Elm Goldenforest, which is really majesticalynesswowmuchmajestique!
There are names like "Meek", "Noble", "Notable", "Organized",
"Perfect", "Quick", "Rad", "Real", "Elm", "Simple", "Sheriff", and
much much more! I am going to rename my cop animal because
they have cop names like "Sheriff" and "Police". I bet people would
name fake Julian2 copies "Real Famousbean" because that actually
is a real name AJ lets you choose, wow XD

Anyways, that's it for today's post! Byea!
=Gacha Kitty=

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