Friday, September 16, 2016


Hey flowers! So today I will be pointing out a jammer who is very obsessed with the series Naffy and I created, Mysteries of the Animals Dances. I went to appondale and in the adoption center, and all the way upstairs was Diamondotter. She said "I saw you outside of AJ..." and I replied back with "Where?" She told me that she read the series and loved it, and she also reads Naffys blog and is a huge fan. I buddied her and told her we could do lemurs for the next episode and let her be featured! I am very exited for actually getting my first real fan, because it seems all my fans are friends of mine or friends of people on AJ that I told them to read my blog, but aren't really "fans" fans. But when I buddied Diamond, she ran around the room and spammed smiley emojis and said "Thank you so much!" I love making people happy.

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