Monday, September 5, 2016

Funny Things to Read Backwards

I whipped up some stories that I thought would be funny.
First, read them top to bottom.
Then, read them bottom to top.
They both kinda make sense! Try it:

1. I Hate Dessert

Zoey: Oh well, here we go!
Me: Do you like to eat dessert through your eye?
Zoey: Of course not, that would be disgusting!
Me: Do you eat cake?
Zoey: Yeah! It's delicious.
Me: Did you ever eat your own spit for dessert?
Zoey: Eww, no, I only eat poop.
Me: Did you ever eat your dessert after dinner?
Zoey: Always! It's the healthier route.
Me: Should you eat poop every day?
Zoey: Yeah. Just said that.
Me: Uh, ok, sure...are you my sister? Do you love me?
Zoey: Hey, I love you, sis! Wanna talk?

2. Party Pooping

Rawr: Let's start the party- there AREN'T any streamers!
Me: There are just too MANY streamers.
Rattles: We will need to take some down.
Rawr: I see some guests arriving!
Me: That's really good.
Rattles:  Yep, the cookies are burnt... 
Rawr: Noo, the cookies are burnt?!
Me: I just made a fresh, new batch of cookies!
Rattles: I hate YOU, Princess!
Me: Then I guess I hate the cake you made, Rattles!
Rattles: Okay! I just made a new cake.  

3. Walkin' the Dog

Me: You're supposed to be a good girl, Cindy. Now come, I thought you liked walks!
Cindy: *runs away*
Me: Yeah, PLEASE, come on Cindy! We're gonna walk you!
Cindy: Woof? (Really?)
Me: Yes, you're a good girl, yes you are!
Cindy: Woof woof woof! (I am a good girl, aren't I?)
Me: Come here Cindy! We're gonna walk you! Good girl!
Cindy: *refuses to come*
Me: Hmm, how do I get Cindy's attention.. AHA! *throws treat*

4. Art is Art

Me: *facepalms at Rattles*
Rattles: Ugh no! What are you painting? And why are you so mad at me?
Me: It's not that! I'm painting myself eating chocolate ice cream. Did you forget?
Rattles: No I didn't. And you're painting poop!
Me: I'm painting chocolate ice cream. You are saying poop and it's wrong!
Rattles: It's totally poop.
Rattles: What are you painting?!
Rattles: Tell me what you are painting.
Me: *paints and ignores Rattles*

5. Don't Worry, We're Really Good Friends

Quinn: HI. RACHEL.
Rachel: Okay we started off wrong. Let's start over...
Rachel: Ok then, if you say so, let's not be FRIENDS! THAT WAS JUST A JOKE!
Quinn: I think I have to agree!
Rachel: ...What Lily said at school WAS right, we shouldn't be friends!
Rachel: And I hate pink, just so you know!
Quinn: So, about playing that game? The PINK PRINCESS game? :)
Rachel: I'm not up for it!
Quinn: Come on! PLEASE.
Rachel: I CHANGED. My MIND. Sorry but NO.
Quinn: Please?
Rachel: I changed my mind, no thanks.
Quinn: Come on... I wanna play!
Rachel: Okay, fine Quinn. I'll play.
Quinn: Yay we can play the Pink Princess game!


Thank you for reading my funny sentences I made up!
I like the Art is Art one lol. Anyways, stay safe and jam on...


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