Friday, August 5, 2016

My First Post and Last Post (Cuddly6342)

Hey Princess buds,

I am just posting for fun right now. I will never post again. I found something really interesting while being in the Chamber of Knowledge

Notice the Panda statue. Was it here before too? There is one more statue The Eagle One

Animal jam is changing so much without telling. If you saw more things changing please comment!

Next, Various Jammers told me that the new adventure is too hard, so I took some pictures of the prizes from my buddy Ipslover98989. Thank you every credit goes to her!

Click to make it big

There are more prizes that I know. What to hear a spoiler!?! YOU MEET SIR GILBERT IN THE END! I wish I could PLAY

Bye and I will see on my blog cause I don't want to Cuddilise this blog
                                                       Cuddly6342 <_>

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