Monday, August 29, 2016

Animal Jam Story Contest!

Hello everyone!
I decided to have a contest *insert derpy smiley face here*
You can make any of these but I like mysterious or scary the best:
Horror Story
VERY Creepy Horror Story
Joke Book
AJ Fanfiction
Roleplay Fanfiction
Fanfiction About Me B)
Random & Fake Diary
Enter with your story please and I need a title and username!
The winner gets their picture and name in the contests bird (not made yet, probably by the time you see this you will see the bird, by the way bird is what I call pages), and they will also get to post a long post full of fun content and your story, jokes and more about you, and just fun stuff and items and opinions. I will also give you a shoutout and throw a party just for you :)

1 comment:

  1. Instead of the B) next to "Fanfic about me" I should've put a lenny face, knowing the internet. And only I have the audacity to call my fans butts. 2016 brightlight was not fooling around huh...


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3. Don't say anything inappropriate.
4. Advertising is fine only if you say something about my blog first, but ONLY do it if it's targeted to MY blog.
5. Links are fine, but I will delete comments with sketchy links or links to random things.