Monday, June 29, 2020

Farming and Chocobo Adoption on Minecraft

   Hello, world! I'm really tired, but here to bring you a wholesome blog post about Minecraft! <3

   My world is called Spring Hill Village and I'm playing with mods. I'm working to fill my village with plenty of buildings and villagers. Here is the town center, which I built from this tutorial on Youtube here.

   This is the outside of my barn/farmhouse. How lovely! I built and designed it myself. 

   The inside has stalls for animals to reside in. Now, I'm going to go out and look for animals to house inside of them!

   Aww look, a Chocobo! These are from one of my mods, Chococraft 3. They're absolutely adorable. The horse on the right is the horse I use for riding around and exploring. I should probably name it sometime soon.

   It was snowing, so I decided to take a picture of me and my Chocobo. It's the middle of winter in Minecraft (I have the Serene Seasons mod).

   Now it's in the stall! That was kind of hard. It's really huge, lol. I decided to go out and scavenge for crops to plant on my farm.

   While I was scavenging, I found a little rooster! He's adorable, but he needs water.

   I'll take him back to my barn.

   Now, he has a little spot next to my Chocobo. At first, I gave him a cauldron of water, but I found out he couldn't drink from it. He can drink straight from a water bucket you're holding or from open water sources like lakes. I dug a little hole in the ground and gave him some water in that.

   Here, I'm riding back on my trusty steed!

   Ah, home sweet home. I'm back at my farm, so time to plant!

   I planted the seeds and labeled them with signs.

   Then, I gave my rooster some seeds. I decided that my adventure was done for the day, so enjoy some beautiful pics of a winter night on the farm :)

   Anyway, stay safe and wash your hands!

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