Monday, June 29, 2020

Dry, Deflated Cupcakes

   Today, I will be playing Papa's Cupcakeria on Coolmath Games. Does anyone remember those games? Click here for the link.

   This is Sandra. She's kind of... slow, but we don't talk about that. Making cupcakes is the only job she can get, and we won't judge Sandra for that. (Coolmath won't let me change her name, is that an insult to me? ;-;)

   Once upon a time, Sandra was an unemployed loser. One fateful day, she just so happened to crash into her future boss's car. Remember, she wasn't the brightest woman. Anyway, her future boss just decided to hire her.

"Oh my mozzarella!"

- "Whatever will we do, boss?"
- "Mamma mia, I will force you into making cupcakes!"
- "What has my life come to?"

(appears depressed)

   Oh, look!
   Our first customer!

   Let's see what he wants to eat!

   Is it actually a thing to have cherries on cupcakes? I know it is for ice cream, but I've personally never had a cherry on a cupcake. I don't think it would even taste very good, in my opinion. Well, it doesn't matter. I should probably stop stalling and make this dude's cupcakes.

   I filled one of the cupcakes a little too low... it's harder than it looks :(

   Oh, wow. The second cupcake is deformed. Even the frosting deflated like a balloon. When you try to bite into it, you'll bite the wrapper. Bone apple tea 😜 He'll love it.

Newsflash: He did not like it.

   I have another customer! Let's try to please her with my deflated cupcakes!

   This time, we have vanilla cupcakes. I like my cupcakes vanilla and my cake chocolate. My ice cream could go either way. Chocolate anything is always much moister than vanilla. Vanilla ice cream is always hard and frozen and vanilla cupcakes are dry. Let's give her my dry AND deflated cupcakes!

   I filled them both perfectly but overcooked them. So I guess I lived up to them being dry?

   Jeez, this woman wants three cherries on each cupcake. Now that's just overkill. If this was real life, the cherries wouldn't even fit on the cupcake! Sheesh, I hope she likes them.

   I finally got to take a picture of her reaction! Wait, one star? I guess I spent too long blogging before taking her order. Well, Sandra's not the brightest person, I suppose.

Apology time!
I apologize to anyone named Sandra, you are probably really smart.
I  also apologize if you like cherries on your cupcakes. Just kidding.

   I hope you stay safe and wash your hands. My customers probably have coronavirus, so time to go to the hospital. Remember to eat cupcakes and have a nice day!

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