Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Discontinued Blog Info

   Hello peeps! If you happen to stumble across this blog through my main and active blog Little Treasured Things, then welcome! Enjoy the 180+ newly released (from being private) old posts.
   This was my old blog, first named The Animal Jam Spring, but when I found out that name was taken, I named it The Animal Jam Garden, and then when I moved on from playing Animal Jam, I changed it to Gacha Games, which I kept until I quit altogether (which was not for long).

   Some backstory:

  • I was a semi-popular Animal Jam blogger who went by Princessbg (AKA Princess) back in 2016. Since the AJ blogging community was very small (and welcoming!), I was well-known, along with the other group of bloggers (whose blogs can be found here). I remember just the word Princess caught my attention like someone was referring to me because of my nickname online. :)
  • My AJ best friends were a girl called Rawr07 (nicknamed Rawrz) and a boy called Rattlespud2004 (nicknamed Rattles). They were literally so cool to hang out with and I would be extremely happy to contact them again if I weren't a little antisocial moth who felt like everyone was judging her.
  • Rawrz and another one of my friends who now goes by Ocean were co-authors on this blog and posted occasionally. You'll see their posts if you scroll down in the archives quite a bit.
  • In the very beginning, me, Rawrz, and Rattles had an Animal Jam police force where we caught scammers and hackers and fought injustice. It was actually a pretty serious business, lol.
  • Me, Rawrz, and Rattles would write books together. Although I won't release them publicly, they still bring me quite a bit of sentimental value. <3
   And that's about it! Enjoy this plethora of old content (which may be cringy, but who cares anyway).

   See you over on my main blog!


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