Briar & Jackson: Book One

A Story by Rawr07 AJ

~ Introduction ~

When Briar’s parents abandoned her when she was a cub, she would have died if the bears hadn’t took her in. The bears cared for little Briar. They taught her how to hunt and fight. But one day a wolf was hunting and saw Briar with the bears, he thought the bears must have been taking her for hostage and killed them and little Briar saw it all. Then he took her back to his breed. From that day on she knew that she would never love again, and if she did she knew it would never be as strong as her love with the bears.

~ Chapter One ~

Briar woke up with a yawn in her cozy little cottage. She made some tea, and started getting ready for her part time job in the bakery. She walked out the door before she was called at. “Hey you!” an iron worker said. “Yes?” Briar replied. “Oh, you must help me! I forgot all about Greely coming over to see the iron.. He wants it sparkling clean!” He stopped to imagine Greely scraping his claws over him. Greely was their breed’s alpha, he wasn’t mean or anything.. he just wanted the best for his wolves.”Of course I will help you! I just need to see if it’s alright with the cook.” Said Briar. “Ok, but hurry! I will be there.” The iron worker said. Briar started walking slowly, but when the man looked back at her with a stern look, she went faster. She stopped at the bakery. “Good morning Mrs. Cook!” Briar greeted Mrs. Cook. “Well, hello darling.. Why are you late?” Mrs. Cook asked strictly.“I hope it’s ok with you, but I wanted to help the iron worker... he said Greely’s coming over to check on him.” Briar asked. A sad look appeared on Mrs. Cook’s face. “That poor little thing.. Ok, I guess you must. But hurry, you’re late! Don’t expect any extra payment from me.” That was Briar’s signal to head for the door. When she arrived the iron worker already had to blocks of iron shined and stacked on the shelf. “You’re here! It’s about time to get started.” Briar began shining and soon they were done. “Ah, I could not be more thankful! Please come here, I have a surprise for you.” The iron worker said. Briar stepped in a small room to see a new armor set.. a blue fox hat, a brand new sword, blue paw bracelets, and new tail armor. She gave the iron worker a big hug and tried it on.”I never noticed how rusty my old armor was!” Briar said with a chuckle. “It’s the least I can do… Oh right, Greely is on his way. I should get ready.” Briar arrived back in her cottage. “This new armor will be perfect for training.. And speaking about training, I should get ready!”

~ Chapter Two ~

Briar made her way to her training camp, Bluemoon’s Training Camp. When she arrived, her friend Zoe complimented her on her new armor. “Where did you get that armor?” Zoe asked. “Just about 20 minutes ago for helping a friendly iron worker!” Briar said. “Cool!” Zoe exclaimed. Bluemoon arrived with a new student. “Hello, my wonderful trainers in the art of fighting! Today I would like to show you a new student, Jackson!” Everyone clapped. “To demonstrate him our ways is to show him our best fighter Briar!” Bluemoon exclaimed. Briar walked up to greet him. ”Hello Jackson. Welcome to BTC! Are you ready?” Briar asked Jackson. “Am I ready? I am a level seventeen fighter, of course I am ready.” Jackson bragged. “Today we will be testing if you can use your weapons, avoid a phantom’s forcefield, and kill the phantom!” Bluemoon announced. “Follow me.” Briar said. Briar walked up to two phantoms in cages. Briar and Jackson started thinking of ways to destroy the phantoms. “So where are you from.. are you new to the breed?” Briar asked. “Yeah, actually I’m from Torner’s breed.. but he way too violent. I had to leave.” Jackson said, looking down. “Oh well, that’s sad.” Briar said. “I was abandoned by my parents. I would’ve died if some bears wouldn’t have took me to take care of me.” Briar mumbled. Then Jackson shot an arrow at a phantom. Briar thought about her parents.. how they left her. Then she quickly swiped the thought away. ”You would go visit them, right?” Briar asked Jackson.“I wish…but I could never go back with Torner there, knowing I left without his permission,” He held back tears. Briar swung her sword at a phantom killing it.”That’s gotta hurt…” Briar said to herself. Jackson didn’t reply. Instead, he walked up to Bluemoon showing him the empty cage, proving he had killed his phantom. “Very well then. You may be dismissed.” Bluemoon glanced over at Briar’s cage. “You too, Briar,” Bluemoon said. “Hey, I’m guessing you don’t have a cottage yet..?” Briar said. “Oh right, could I stay at yours?” Jackson said. “Sure,” Briar said. “Maybe tomorrow we can go cottage shopping for you.” Jackson smiled. “Thanks, that sounds great.” Jackson smiled. “Eh.. no problem.” Briar replied. Then they were off.

~ Chapter Three ~

Back at Jackson’s old camp, things were not going so well. ”Where is he?!” the group alpha said. Everyone stayed quiet. ”Ugh, he left… but I will find him.” Jackson’s parents had scared expressions on their faces. ”And what will do do to him if you do..” Jackson’s mother asked. The group alpha laughed. “Jackson will die. And all of you will help me find him.” Some other wolf parents stepped up. “We will not help you kill that poor wolf! Our own little wolf pup can’t even walk because of you!” The wolf parents said. “That’s what he gets for thinking he can fight me,” The group alpha said. “I will never stop trying!” The little wolf pup hissed. “Oh really? Let’s see how you can with one eye!” The group alpha unleashed his claws and scratched at his eye, gluing it shut. The little wolf pup yowled in pain. ”That’s it, we will start tomorrow morning,” When he was out of sight, Jackson’s mother walked over to the wolf parents. “Don’t worry. I know where Jackson is.. I’ll tell him to tell his whole group that they need to be prepared.” Jackson’s mother said. “But.. that’s way too risky! He will know you left and he will kill you!” Jackson’s mother sighed. “At least I will die happy… I will be back tomorrow afternoon.” With that she left.

~ Chapter Four ~

“Ok, how about this one?” Briar asked. “Nah..” Jackson looked around then finally he saw it. The perfect cottage.”That one!” He told the salesman. “Don’t you want to look in the inside?” The salesman asked. “I already know it’ll be perfect on the inside… how much money?” “2,500 gems.” The salesman answered. Jackson handed him a bag of gems and walked in.”Yup, perfect on the inside.” Jackson said. “Hey! It’s about time, you want to go find some furniture? It’s on me, I bet you’re broke after buying this.” Jackson smiled. His short beard twitched. Briar liked how his beard twitched through his different emotions.. It was interesting, kind of amusing, and just plain amazing. Once they were done buying furniture, they went over to the bakery to celebrate. Jackson heard a familiar voice of some wolf talking to the lady at the cash register.. In fact.. ”Mom?!” Jackson yelled.”Jackson! I’ve been looking all over for you. the group alpha knows you’re gone! He’s planning to kill you! Tell Greely to tell all of your fighters you have to be prepared! It won’t be long until he finds you.” Jackson’s mom said. Briar and Jackson shared worried expressions. “Mom! You didn’t have to do this! Now he is going to kill you!” “I did have to, you’re my son. I am a thousand times less important than you, and you should not die.” She sighed then ran out the door. Briar and Jackson ran over to Greely’s volcano home. They told him all about how they were under attack. Greely told Bluemoon to train the fighters harder and everyone else to stay locked down in their cottages for a while. The was going to be one long ride.

~ Chapter Five ~

Days have passed of hard training but it would all be worth it.Today since Bluemoon had to be absent, the class had a new teacher, Mr. Brainz. “Hello my wolfdogs! Today we are going to make ze phantoms go poof with stealth… AND ZE POWER OF SCIENCEEE!” Mr. Brainz hollered. Zoe raised her paw. “Yes wolfdog?” Mr. Brainz said. “I don’t know why Bluemoon.. or ANYONE would hire you.” Mr. Brainz looked confused.”I don’t know either!” Briar and Jackson couldn’t help just chuckle.”For ze first lesson, try to sneak around a phantom and pour these on it!” He lifted up bottles of potion. “Let me demonstrate.” He began climbing up a tree that led above the phantom. When he had it still he opened the bottle of potion which fell on the phantom and it melted.The trainers clapped. “Now everyone take a potion and try!” Mr. Brainz exclaimed. Some people copied Mr.Brainz’ technique while others thought of their own. Jackson was having trouble so Mr. Brainz came to help.”Do you like Balloons?!” Mr. Brainz asked. “Uhh, sure,” Jackson said. Mr. Brainz poured all of Jackson’s potion into a balloon.”Take your arrows and go ahead and pop that balloon when it gets above ze phantom.” Mr. Brainz explained. Jackson started to understand that when he shot an arrow at the balloon it would pop all over the phantom! He tried it, and the phantom froze then cracked into pieces. “Woah.” Jackson said. “Well, they don’t call me Mr. Brainz for nothing!” When he saw that Briar was having trouble too, he walked over to her. ”Do you want to have fun and destroy the phantom?” Mr. Brainz asked. “Well, that’s kinda what I aim for at training.” Mr. Brainz smiled. ”There are three more bottles of potion left.” “Uhhh, ok?” Briar said. “Tie them to your paws.” Briar jumped. “What, no! Are you crazy?! Why-” Mr. Brainz interrupted. “JUST DO ITTTT!” Briar quickly tied the bottles of potion to her paws. “Now what?” Briar asked. “Climb that tree and uncap them.” Mr. Brainz said. Briar did as so and as a result, the potion sprayed down on the phantom killing it, and left her flying in the air. “Whhhoooo!” She yowled. What a fun teacher.

~ Chapter Six ~

Back at Jackson’s breed, his mother was in trouble. “Why would you leave?!” The group alpha yelled. Jackson’s mother stared back at him with cold eyes. “Just do it. Kill me already! You will anyway.” The group alpha started at her. “With pleasure.” He smiled. The group alpha scraped his claws on her. She screeched in pain the fell dead. ”This is what you get when you mess with the rules!” Then he left, smiling.

~ Chapter Seven ~

Jackson’s old group alpha walked around still trying to find him.”Where could he be?!” He yelled. Suddenly he heard a sound coming from the bushes. He pushed his snout through it, and to his surprise he saw a whole breed. Then he saw Jackson! Jackson.. with this random wolf. Hmm, he thought, I got you right where I want you.

~ Chapter Eight ~

Jackson’s old group alpha had called everyone to fight. “What do you fools mean you won’t help me fight?!” Jackson’s old group alpha hollered. “Exactly that!” They all said. Jackson’s old group leader growled.”You all are a disgrace to this group! Get out!” With pleasure, they all left. He growled, “I could fight without them anyway.” He trained and trained and trained all day then it was finally time. He arrived at Jackson’s breed but to his surprise, everyone was already prepared to fight and his own wolves had joined against him. “Lets just get this over with.” He ran over to Jackson but the same wolf he saw him hanging with was there guarding him. “No!” She yelled. “I will not let you kill him!” He yowled. “Then I will just kill you to get through him!” He swiped his sword through her chest killing her. Jackson whimpered. His bow and arrows fell off. Then Jackson’s old group alpha pounced ready to scratch him with his vicious claws. Just in time Jackson grabbed his bow and arrows and shot him right there in the chest. His eyes went blank then he fell. Dead. Jackson leaned over Briar. ”Nooo, Briar noo!” He began crying “This is all my fault! I should have never left then none of this would have happened..” He sobbed.”I never even got to tell you I love you..” Jackson didn’t realize it, but his tears were sinking in Briar’s heart, giving her strength, love, and life. Briar’s eyes blinked open. “Hey, Jackson..” she muttered quietly. ”I love you too.” Jackson smiled. “How are you alive?” Briar smiled. “I guess there really is a true power of love.” They kissed and the every wolf cheered. What a great time to cheer too.

The End

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